News 2025

Brad and Debora Lorang

Brad and Debora’s lives started with parallel beginnings, despite living in different states. Both had childhood art classes, supportive mothers, and were deeply immersed in their artistic endeavors as young children. Then, simultaneously in their late teens, their separate artistic journeys led them to the same industry, art bronze foundries and lost wax casting. While in this field, they both grew as artists and became very passionate about sculpture. They each worked in bronze foundries for 25 years, while also sculpting independently, yet were still over a thousand miles apart. Until one day, their paths finally crossed and in 1996 they were married and the two artists continued their creative adventure together.

Brad Lorang

Debora Lorang

In the Fall of 2004, the Lorangs took a five week sculpting and touring trip to Italy. This life changing voyage became the apex of their sculpting careers. “Touching the works of the Masters was so completely humbling and transforming for us,” they recall. After the trip, the couple found themselves forging a new life and venture in the heart of the Columbia River Gorge. This change gave Brad and Debora the opportunity to experiment with different mediums, allowing them to redevelop their own artistic styles and techniques. Brad was drawn to fabricated sculpture, intrigued by non-ferrous metals because of their rigidness, yet versatility and reflective qualities.  Debora was drawn to assemblage art, using found, recycled, and vintage items. “Every day we feel privileged to be full time artists, creating art and sharing what we are passionate about, is truly living the dream.”